callas pdfToolbox offers powerful, dynamic, and easy-to-integrate PDF processing, from quick visual inspection and fixing to fully unattended processing of thousands of files. Using rock-solid Adobe technology, pdfToolbox checks and fixes complex problems, as well as color management, imposition, conversion to and from PDF, and more. pdfToolbox technology is used by small companies, large publishers, print providers, and OEMs that integrate the technology into their solutions.

The pdfToolbox technology comes in several different flavors:

What can pdfToolbox technology do for you? The following webinar recordings go into more detail:

If you prefer a longer introduction than what is available here, the online documentation for callas software contains an introductory manual you can read:


Where the previous chapter introduced generic terminology around PDF and PDF preflight, this chapter puts things in context regarding callas pdfToolbox. The Atomyx Prepare API documentation often refers to pdfToolbox-specific terminology, so understanding these concepts is crucial.

Preflight checks and corrections